Megan Bertagnolli, Project Lead

Megan Bertagnolli is a creative thinker who believes in the power of connection that comes from transformative storytelling and clear communication.  

As Project Lead, she’s plays a key role taking two of AWE’s flagship programs, Bold Leadership and Strategic Edge, national, growing AWE’s national reputation by building strong partnerships and providing oversight for the development of asynchronous and French versions of these programs. 

Megan has been building and leading cross-functional teams in the development of wide-ranging courses and programs for over 15 years. Her skill in this area is evidenced by the awards, growth, and international enrollments these programs have garnered.  

With a Master’s in the History of Art, Design & Visual Culture, outside of work she’s leveraged her unique background to run her own business, a boutique travel company that takes people on international art and travel tours. In her spare time, she can be found Olympic weightlifting or exploring the outdoors with her family. 

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