Grants for Alberta-based entrepreneurs
Grants are one of many capital opportunities to grow your business. Although AWE does not offer grants, see below for a selection of grant resources.
Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program: Access to Business Opportunities
Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program: Access to Capital
Aboriginal Business Investment Fund (ABIF)
First Nations Development Fund Grant Program
Strategic Partnerships Initiative (SPI)
Indigenous Arts Individual Project Funding
Creating, Knowing and Sharing Program
First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy Summer Work Experience Program (SWEP)
Alberta Innovates- Carbon Capture and Utilization
Alberta Innovates Voucher Program
Alberta Innovates- Micro voucher
Alberta Innovates- Product Demonstration Program
Calgary Economic Development- Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund (OCIF)
Canadian Technology Accelerators
Accelerating Innovations into CarE
Industrial Research Assistance Program
Consider an AWE Loan as another opportunity to grow your capital
At AWE, we believe in empowering women entrepreneurs with the knowledge and resources to confidently navigate decisions surrounding business financing.
Understanding how to leverage your investment in capital is a powerful step towards financial independence and business success. AWE is here to provide you with personalized advice and flexible solutions to best suit your unique business needs.